Friday, September 30, 2011

The power of Social Network

This is one side of  Social network like  Facebook, twitter, koprol and other....
Ass seen on Metro TV on "Kick Andy" the role of this social network is sometimes very important.

Imagine, there are some people lay weakly and need some "Blood" and PMI (Indonesian Red Cross) has no stock at all.... but once a relatives tweet in twitter and update the status in Facebook... and just in some minutes, people comes from anywhere to share his blood....

Of course this is amazing, because they come even they don't have any relation with the patient...., nor a relatives, nor a friend...

and I'm sure, NOT only "blood", if you need assistance, social network may facilitate you with the others...

Finally, I would like to say, that "heath" becoming very important once people are sick or ill.... money will has no meaning... and at that time, help from friend and relatives will be very meaningful!

And for sure, GOD is not blind for any good that you are doing... and GOD will not abandoning what you have done...

Your friend... Anas!

1 comment:

  1. Oh ya..
    Juga ada 2 tokoh yang di tampilkan, Ibu Lilis dan Bp Sukarman.
    Ibu Lilis sudah mendonorkan darahnya sebanyak 113x, dan karena ini, beliau mendapat berbagai penghargaan termasuk 'Satya Lencana" dari bp Presiden RI, Susilo Bambang Yudoyono.

    Sedangkan Bp Sukarman, telah mendonorkan darahnya sekitar 50 liter, dan mendapat berbagai penghargaan dari PMI, termasuk "Sayta Lencana" dari 5 presiden RI.....

    Menurut mereka....mendonorkan darah membuat mereka sehat, bukan seperti anggapan umum bahwa mendonorkan darah membuat orang lemas bin letoy...
